Lingerie, intimate accomplice of infidel women

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category: News

Lingerie, intimate accomplice of infidel women

Lace, mesh, silk, satin ... Whether modestly discrete or proving deliciously alluring, lingerie accompanies you in the most intimate of pleasures. And if your lover does not only look into your eyes, as the expression goes by the now famous lingerie brand of the times, it may be a sign that your underwear speaks volumes about you and your personality. For a spicy return in 2012, Gleeden reveals some keys in highly sensual language from your underwear.

Fatal Black lace and mesh for the chic seductress
Variation on the iconic lingerie, «the little black dress », the always trendy characteristic lover black underwear, always glamorous, eager to protect potential differences in taste. You'll realize that black lace lingerie provides refuge, favorable in an early relationship. Worn systematically, black or dark colored underwear reveal a mysterious personality or can be fairly conventional instead.

Red passion, corset and garter belt: signatures of the sensual lover
If a joke, told by writer and designer Jacques Lob in Pilote magazine then later in L'Écho des Savanes, attributes its paternity to Gustave Eiffel, the garter regained the favor of women since the 80s through its delivery to fashion by the designer Chantal Thomas. Decidedly lively and dynamic, beneath the red lover is an optimistic woman who enjoys life to the fullest.

Pure white, satin and silk reveal a mistress of elegant refinement
« Less is more ». This quote by architect and designer Mies van der Rohe is reminiscent that sobriety sometimes knows how to play on every fantasy; below the less sophisticated can also produce maximum effect. You are a highly desirable woman, you just radiate.

This second skin, a true regular accomplice, marks the history of femininity and as such should remain a story of women, your lover story. The new 2012/2013 collections have arrived; take ownership of the latest trends in lingerie while staying true to yourself!