Sexual desire and emotional attachment

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Sexual desire and emotional attachment

When you met, you quickly set the rules. Although a couple and happy, you feel a burning desire for spice removed from your life, to discover new experiences; this is why you chose him. With your lover, you made a point to define the rules of your relationship from the beginning; no calls after 18h, no feelings, no meetings in your city and especially no attachment.

Things were clear for you and if you decided to take a lover it was for everything, except for the feelings that get involved.
But then, these days, you feel a change in his behavior. Your lover is very present. He is close to you and most importantly ... he is attached.

And if love broke in to your extramarital affair?

Attention Ladies, it may simply be that your lover is falling in love with you!
Jim Pfauss, professor of Psychology at Concordia University in Montreal, assisted by an international team, investigated twenty studies on the subject. Their work shows, among other things, that love and sexual desire cause an emotional attachment.

Indeed, they found that love and sexuality, two very different emotions, come from the same region of the brain: the Stratum. As a result, sexual desire stimulates the ventral area of the stratum, while the feeling of love stimulates the dorsal region.

Love and feelings would, therefore, affect the whole of the two zones.
During the study the researchers also found a connection between the desire for sex and love in another region of the brain, the Insula, allowing to understand that sexual desire can lead to emotional attachment and vice-versa. This does not mean that love and sex are one and the same thing, but they are not as distinct from each other as we could imagine!