Do ADHD couples cheat more?

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category: News

Do ADHD couples cheat more?

You may have heard the phrase, 'they're just wired differently' uttered about someone partaking in unusual or questionable behavior. What exactly does it mean in adults diagnosed with ADHD?

The American Psychological Association describes ADHD, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as, "a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines challenging." Focusing on one person or thing is exceedingly difficult for those diagnosed with ADHD, which may explain why so many couples where one or both parties have ADHD experience infidelity at some point in their relationships.

Having an ADHD spouse can be incredibly isolating and emotionally draining. One moment you're the center of attention, and the next you're competing with everything from pets to video games for even the smallest bit of attention. For this reason, the possibility of someone with an ADHD spouse having an extramarital affair rises exponentially. Affairs can be fueled by loneliness and there can be plenty of that in ADHD relationships. Concurrently, people with ADHD are more likely to have an affair because of their inherently impulsive dispositions. A few ADHD individuals have come forth to admit that although they love their spouses, they just can't help but cheat. Of course, an ADHD diagnosis doesn't mean anything one way or another. Those who have it are not destined to cheat, just a bit more likely to do so than the average Joe.

Treatment or even the subject of ADHD in general may be a sensitive subject for one or both parties, so it's imperative to remain open, understanding, and encouraging. The effects of ADHD may be life long, but with hard work, attentiveness, an understanding outlook and dedication, many couples can overcome it and get back to being happy.