An Australian Transport Minister Resigns after his double life is revealed.

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category: News

An Australian Transport Minister Resigns after his double life is revealed.

New South Wales transport minister, David Campbell resigned last Thursday evening after it was discovered he had been using his ministerial car to drive himself to a gay sex club.

Mr Campbell, who has been married to his wife for the past 33 years and has two sons, admitted that he has been leading a double life for the past 25 years.

He was filmed leaving the sex club, ‘Ken’s of Kensington’ by a journalist, and when the footage was made public the minister chose to give up his portfolio. While some think his resignation was unnecessary, many are glad to see him go; after a string of incompetent decisions over the past several years left Sydney’s transport and roads a mess.

If Mr. Campbell had used Gleeden, instead of visiting a public bath-house, perhaps he would still be in parliament…