Love at first sight

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category: News

Love at first sight

It can happen on Notting Hill, or in the metro; love at first sight can strike you down at any moment! We know that a lot of you have already met each other in person, but what we don’t know is what passed between you during that first glance…

What is love at first site, and how does it really work? We’ve all been swept up by fairytales, then been left slightly disillusioned by real life, so it’s not bizarre that we find it a little hard to believe that love at first sight could exist.

However, many studies prove that this phenomenon is nothing particularly extraordinary, rather, it something which can be explained quite simply. In reality it is a chemical reaction which creates an extreme sense of joy, when a beautiful stranger crosses our line of sight for the first time in a crowded room, voila.

Our brain seems to be separated into two parts; logic and emotion. If the brain says ‘logic’, it takes a while to process what you’re seeing, while at the same time your emotions don’t waste a second in getting excited over the fiery brunette you’ve seen leaning against the bar! The reaction is instinctive, your pupils dilate, your heart starts to race and adrenaline surges through your body. The result: you have sweaty palms, your body shivers with the sensation and you have a new glow in your eyes!

The real reason isn’t so romantic, is it? This powerful emotion is the result of multiple chemical reactions only, and in fact has little to do with your heart. And it gets worse; the let down! The post ‘love at first sight’ stage, when logic takes over once again.

While in the case of love at first sight, everything is so sudden that you’re not left with the time to know anything about the person who has put you in this state. By acting on your feelings with this mystery person, you might unfortunately discover that the reality is quite different. Or, if you truly were blinded by love, so much so that you can’t see the flaws in the other person, remember, the feeling may not be mutual!

Of course, at Gleeden, we wish you all the best, but if you don’t experience love at first sight when you catch the eye of your date waiting for you on the terrace of the café, give them a chance, sometimes we appreciate someone so much more after getting to know them!