Advice on winning over the Gleeden woman

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category: News

Advice on winning over the Gleeden woman

Just like in real life, virtual encounters deserve to be treated according to form, and need to be peppered with the usual little attentions. Even more so than on other dating websites, women on Gleeden want men to win them over and fire their imaginations. The Gleeden woman is not like any other women. Discover her…

They have forgotten the thrill of early new relationships and the little attentions one gives when trying to win one over. Married women come to Gleeden with the wish to be reassured on their capacity to charm and appeal, to feel desired anew and to act on it if it tickles their fancy.

Married women are selective and demanding
They have found love and married it. Now neglected, they are looking for a new kind of prince who can sweep them off their feet in a bubble of fresh air and passion. To appeal to them you will need to listen to them – but most importantly, to understand them. Show them your best side, be original, be spirited, and take risks. For instance, send them gifts (virtual gifts to begin with…) and give them a date they have never seen before.

Married women are cautious
As we have seen, women, even more so than men, keep a careful vigil over not being discovered. They have children and an organised and patterned life to which they wish to add just a little spice. To endanger themselves is out of the question! Often being discreet, they will wait for someone to win them over before they enter in impassioned exchanges. Be patient, stay courteous and find the appropriate trigger…That’s what seduction is.


Do not cheat or lie about your situation, your physical appearance or what you are seeking on Gleeden. To try and make yourself out to be an actor or a high-powered CEO won’t get you a meet any faster: female insight also operates online. Take the time to complete your profile, establish trust and slowly reveal yourself – a small detail in your public book (your smile, your stare) and a little more in your private book…

At we have made the choice (and stand by it!) to refrain from appealing to hostesses for charming men. Women make up 40% of our community, which implies that they have a wide range to choose their lovers from. If the Internet allows for some barriers to drop, the rules do not change nonetheless: day to day, women prefer gallant and thoughtful men to unmannered boors. Over the chat and in your private messages, be mindful and courteous.


A gentleman knows to show patience. Have you found a married woman you wish to court? Take your time in getting to know her and do not attempt to meet her immediately and at all costs. She will give you more information when she feels trust has been established. By being on Gleeden you both share the same desires and concerns: secretly cultivating your own little private worlds. Safety is an important aspect of the situation for the Gleeden women, so don’t attempt to cut corners: let her come to you.


Don’t forget: a married woman chooses a lover to add spice to her daily life above all else. She already has a husband at home. Show more attention, originality and charm than others…One detail can make all the difference. Send her a virtual gift or a romantic thought, make her smile, and above all give her all the attention she deserves!