Spring cleaning your love life!

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category: News

Spring cleaning your love life!

Out with the old, and in with the new! That time of year has returned again. A change is in the air and the sun is shining longer: why not taking this opportunity to spice up your love life?!

To make the best of the coming days we are getting through the hard tasks early; now is the time to sort through our belongings and throw out the old, unused or unwanted – and we’re not just referring to clothes! Spring is a time to get rid of all those things gone stale – including stale romance. So, out with the old, and in with the new!

As you’re going through the usual spring cleaning chores use the time to delete old or unused contacts from your little black book. You wouldn’t leave your home in disarray, so why let it happen to your love life? There’s no point having old flames taking up valuable space, and these reminders will keep you from looking for new ones. Go ahead and make some new acquaintances this spring - with warming weather it’s the perfect time to get out and about; enjoy the sunshine with someone appealing and delve into a new romance!

Once you empty out all those old numbers – bring spring cleaning back to yourself, use it as an excuse to freshen up! Buy a new outfit or get a new hair cut – maybe both! Perhaps pick up some new lingerie - either for yourself or your lover! Spring is the time to add some spice to life, so be a little adventurous! Take some risks, indulge some fantasies, and add a little excitement to your love life. Consider starting up a romance with someone exotic, and plan a little getaway.

Spring is a time for change, so if your current romance has faded, or disappeared completely, now is the perfect time to find a new one!