Work place affairs

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category: News

Work place affairs

As the number of women in the workplace increase and the old cliché of the manager having an affair with the young secretary wanes, the amount of men and women who work together as equals are more regularly striking up office romances, whether they’re married or not!

The workplace is like high school all over again, hours of work mixed with gossip and social interaction with your colleagues, and over time you get to know each pretty well. The co-ed office environment presents a lot of opportunities for developing friendship. The team work, travel and common deadlines we all share lead to male and female colleagues growing closer. Then when you take into account the time, 8 or 9 hours a day, working side by side with someone on the same projects at the same desk, you’re bound to find common interests! After all, you both chose the same profession, right?

It’s feasible that you spend as much time at work with your colleague as you do with your spouse. The difference is at work you’re working together to achieve goals and shared objectives and helping each other out. Whereas at home, you and your spouse are watching television while eating dinner, not the most bonding activity.

While it may seem the most obvious thing to start up a little romance with your attractive co-worker, because hey, you get along fantastically, there are still severe consequences you have to consider, like what happens if you break up? One of you might end up needing to ask to be moved to a different department, or start looking for a new job. What if one of you is promoted and becomes the other’s boss? Your affair may interfere with your ability to delegate work or perform your job. If your affair becomes office gossip, or dating co-workers is against company policy, you could face serious repercussions, especially if one of those office gossips decided to inform your spouse of what’s going on!

While a little office romance has its appeal, the dangers of a workplace liaison can far outweigh the benefits. Our solution, Gleeden of course! Have an affair with someone else’s attractive co-worker and avoid the hassles!