What does Women's Day represent for you?

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category: News

What does Women's Day represent for you?

Gleeden.com has asked 605 women and 594 men… And their answers are quite different!

78% of female respondents think that Women’s Day is a symbolical day that needs to be celebrated. The others think that it is not very useful and even hypocrite. Why? Because this celebration is seens as a way to make up for the other 364 days, where women still fight agains inegalities and disrespect. 89% of men think that Women’s Day is necessary and 36% of them would like a Men’s Day (only 15% of women are for this idea!)

Women’s Day helps fighting against inequalities

The way we consider women has changed in the society we live, as they are more and more independent. 82% of male respondents think they must help with daily duties (like cleaning the dishes, vaccuming… But do they really do it?) Also, 92% of them say that they support their wife in their desire to pursue a successful career.

Two-thirds of men and women think that there is a still a long way to go regarding unequal income, discriminations liked to maternity leaves etc.

What about equality in infidelity?

For 68% of women and 85% of men, cheating is still « more tolerated for married men » A man’s infidelity tends to be more accepted culturally..

Except for a few ones, movies are more about cheating men that women. However, it takes two to be unfaithful, right?