Spice up your marriage.

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category: News

Spice up your marriage.

Most couples think that love equals a life of wedded bliss. Love is all you need, and that's all there is to it. But with a sky high divorce rate, along with couples growing tired of each other earlier in their marriages than ever before, it's time we shouted from a mountaintop that marriage isn't always easy or fun or exciting!

Most often than not you have to work hard to keep your marriage fresh, and preserve the love that led you to that marriage in the first place. And sometimes, you have to think outside of the proverbial box. Lucky for you, we've provided a list of 5 scandalous and unconventional ways that you can spice up your marriage.

Get moving. There are plenty of ways to get in shape that are not only great exercise, but also great for your sex life, and a lot of fun. Pole dancing, burlesque and chair dancing are just a few classes you can take that'll provide you with an intense workout and ignite a fire in the bedroom.

Get out. Whether that means taking a vacation, or just going out and having fun together, it's important to spend time outside of the house. Hire a sitter and get completely smashed at a karaoke bar. Take an alligator wrestling class. What you do is totally up to you, but having lives that don't include the kids or your job is healthy, and utterly necessary in a healthy long-term relationship.

Have more sex. Buy a Kama Sutra book, or some new toys or costumes! If you don't have much to spend, look up new positions online. It's important to keep sex interesting and to have it often. One of the biggest complaints couples have about marriage is about sex or lack thereof, so do what you can to stay out of that rut.

Mix it up. Far too many couples suffer from severe relationship boredom. Try switching things up every once in a while to avoid this. Anything from a new haircut or outfit, to a new move in bed, or even a new partner is game. As long as communication is open and you're practicing safe sex, there's no harm in a little adventure.

Indulge. It's important to stay in tune to your own needs and desires. You owe it to yourself to get a massage or a manicure, and to spend some time alone every now and then. And just because you have a partner doesn't mean he or she is the only one who can pleasure you. Explore your body in order to maintain that absolutely vital connection with yourself.