How to spend Valentine's day with your lover?

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How to spend Valentine's day with your lover?

Valentine’s Day is coming soon and you have decided that you will (also) see your lover. How should you organize yourselves to spend a nice moment together without arousing your spouses’ suspicion? Follow the guide for an unforgettable Valentine’s Day!

See him during the day
Married couples tend to celebrate Valentine’s Day at night. La Saint Valentin est principalement célébrée en soirée par les couples mariés. Never mind! You have all day to celebrate with your lover. Lunchtime would be an ideal moment for a discreet rendez-vous.

Meet at a discreet place
If you are in a naughty mood, then skip lunch and go directly in a hotel. Choose one in another neighborhood to avoid running into a co-worker or a friend!

Choose a personal gift
If you are planning to offer a gift to your lover, he will have to justify where it comes from to his spouse. Therefore, it is crucial to buy something discreet that he will easily bring home. The more the gift will match his personality, the less he will arouse his spouse’s suspicion!

Pay with cash!
When you shop for your lover, it is important not to use any debit card but only cash so nothing will be notified on your bank statements. Don’t forget to get rid of any packaging and to keep the incoince (only if you really have to) in a very discreet place.

Keep some enthusiasm for your spouse
In order not to arouse suspicion from your husband, show your enthusiasm while you will spend your (second) Valentine’s Day with him.