Happy Second Birthday, Gleeden!

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category: News

Happy Second Birthday, Gleeden!

On December 1, 2011, Gleeden celebrated its second birthday! Come celebrate with us and see what Gleeden has in store for the future.

Yesterday, December 1, 2011, Gleeden celebrated its second birthday. In two short years, Gleeden has helped over a million members restore happiness to their otherwise bleak and unsatisfying lives. Here at Gleeden, we promote honesty, however, how members wish to conduct themselves is ultimately their decision, and we respect and support those decisions wholeheartedly. Gleeden offers members a 100% genuine members only guarantee, along with the knowledge that the people they’re connecting with are authentic.

Gleeden is constantly conquering new frontiers.

Gleeden is still rapidly growing and expanding into new territories, the most recent being the United States. Here at Gleeden, we hope to help transform the concept of monogamy and consequentially reduce America’s divorce rate. With open mindedness and dedication, we can achieve great things, as has been demonstrated by our first million plus members. Happy birthday to Gleeden, and here’s to many more.