An Anglophone’s view towards European affairs.

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category: News

An Anglophone’s view towards European affairs.

As an Anglophone I grew up with a very clear and distinct understanding of infidelity - It was wrong under all circumstances, and at all costs. Cheaters were very bad people. That is, if they were Anglophones.

At the same time, I watched beautiful dark haired Europeans throwing themselves into their lover’s arms, unbeknownst to their husbands and wives. All involved in passionate, steamy relationships. This is when I came to the conclusion that for Europeans living oceans away in the old world, affairs were a completely different matter. The French, the Italians, Europeans in general, all seemed to be passionate and disloyal lovers who treat relationships, and affairs especially, as merely a game.

In contrast I realized the English (and English speakers) were prudes, disconnected to their own sexuality, unsatisfied, and unwilling to take lovers.

Now, having grown up and having lived in the old world I can finally develop my own opinion on the ‘adulterous’ lovers of Europe. I believe, while these stereotypes are not exactly realistic, they certainly come close, and the best evidence I can give is a conversation I had with some French friends while sitting in a café sipping cafés. It went something like this:

“Hmm, I would be a little upset if I caught my husband having an affair. We would probably fight about it for a few weeks.” To which another French friend responded:

“Yes, I’d make him do all the cooking and cleaning!”

Myself, slightly shocked by their reactions had to ask:

“But, what, you mean you wouldn’t get a divorce, or find out how long it had been going on for? You would actually STAY with him?”

What I got in return were strange stares from the whole table, that I would suggest a divorce over a tiny tryst. Well, I found that conversation quite enlightening. Later on, when I was thinking back over it, it made me reflect, why are my (and Anglophones) perceptions of affairs so much more negative than my European friends?

In general they certainly seem to have the better love lives, one far more playful, fun and satisfying.

Eventually I had to ask myself, really, what’s wrong with having your cake and eating too? After all, who truly doesn’t want the second helping ;)