Where does unfaithfulness begin? *

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category: News

Where does unfaithfulness begin? *

Find out where it starts for our European friends and let it surprise you…

As we often say actions speak louder than words and this is why for the majority of Europeans the act of sex, whether it’s the consequence of a continuing relationship (95%) or a punctual one (90%), it’s cheating! However your partner could be one of the 5 or 10% who do not consider this act as betrayal. It is always good to be reassured a bit.

A hug… a kiss… so soft… so tender… so, to cheat or not to cheat? We are going to take a look at a small difference between our European friends! One French person out of four (74%) agree on this point whilst the Italians are more strict with 82%. As for the Spanish they are a lot more lenient to this act (62%).

Is cheating a sentimental affair?

« My darling I love another but it’s platonic » only 58% of Europeans consider a relationship that is sentimental but not physical as being disloyal. The Italians are however a bit more strict with 70% of them considering it as being disloyal. Therefore one can love someone without giving in to carnal desires….

And flirting? Ladies have you not got up in the morning and made yourself look pretty for a colleague at work? Gentleman, you confide in your associate, you laugh with her and you like it even if you know that it won’t go any further? It’s good for your self esteem. However 61% of the French and Italians consider this to be disloyal compared with 33% of the Spanish.

And in order to reassure all gleedenians, only 22% consider going on a dating site as cheating! One should note that the women are more uncompromising than the men. And that the youngest of them are less open to the possibility of a misdemeanour! The Italians are a lot stricter than the French and as for the Spanish, they are more flexible.

And where does unfaithfulness begin for you?

* Results from the Ipsos Gleeden survey carried out on 1500 Europeans married or living as a couple. (500 French – 500 Italians – 500 Spanish)