To unfaithful father, unfaithful son!

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category: News

To unfaithful father, unfaithful son!

''Like father, like son! '', a sincere expression, even when it is about infidelity …

A new Czech study was conducted in Prague. It highlights in particular the fact that a man is more likely to be unfaithful if his father has had extramarital relations in the past.

The researchers questioned 86 couples about their infidelities, their relations with the opposite sex and their family history.

It emerges from it that men and women are in search of different things in their relations: men would be more enticed by sex whereas the women by the search of a good father for their children.

According to Jan Havlicek, who managed the study, the father is a reference for his son and his behavior, good or less good, is likely to be afterward reproduced. On the other hand there is no link established for the girls who have had an unfaithful mom.

To pursue the reflection, discover10 misconceptions about infidelity