The Maïa Mazaurette's Column: a Valentine’s Day like no other...with your lover!

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The Maïa Mazaurette's Column: a Valentine’s Day like no other...with your lover!

Valentine’s Day is not made for official couples only! When you have an affair, breaking the rules and go a little bit against the traditions to celebrate this day with your lover can be interesting. Maïa Mazaurette is blogger and columnist specialized in men/women relationships. Discover her alternative vision of this traditional celebration and follow her advice to – we quote – “conciliate the two faces of a potential tricky celebration”

In the society we live in, there are only two options for Valentine’s Day celebration.

The first one (the “made-for-fairy-tales” one) aims at declaring your love and the other is clearly made for couples already in a long-term relationship. But not everybody is in a “couch potato mode” when it comes to being married and I think you already graduated from College a long (very long?) time ago. What if you are married but love freedom a little bit more than your partner? Let’s explore the alternatives of the “regular” Valentine’s Day celebration…

Okay, so is made to meet new people. It’s time for us to restore the “declarative” Valentine’s Day. For most of us, this day is foreseeable with a bed of red roses, heart-shaped chocolates... with your official partner of course!

Instead of this desperately predictable event, why not trying to innovate?

Send messages to potential lovers, take a chance, take some risks. Why? First because this is tradition (next chance you will get is in 365 days so it’s now or never!) And even if it doesn’t work (let me know if you know someone who always wins!), just tell yourself that it’s always nice to receive compliments (let me know if you know someone who hates compliments) In such a special day, knowing your sex appeal reached its climax worth more than ten thousand candlelight dinners with boring (because gain so predictable) champagne. So, what should you do? Well, chat! Your potential lovers will really be receptive to this.

Okay, so now you are in touch with this (second) special someone to take things to the next level.

Give compliments you usually not dare to tell, ask him/her on a real date (a rendez-vous that doesn’t involve a keyboard nor a screen between you two!), plan the next one, tell him/her that this relationship means more than steamy sex for you (only if it’s true, don’t lie!)

Because clichés are everywhere, you best asset for Valentine’s Day is your sense of humor. Think out of the box, be “too much”, and pretend that the spirit of Valentine’s Day is literally forcing you to take him/her to the movies… This way, you will get more intimate but without the boring declarations.

Of course, you may think it’s too soon, that this celebration is too meaningful. No drama please! Nowadays, Valentine’s Day has different levels of meaning. You have the feeling of love, the declaration of love but also the purely sexual desire. Chatting with someone doesn’t mean proposing (on that would be kind of funny or quite ironical!) So just relax!

If you are in a long-term relationship with your lover, how to conciliate the two faces of a potential tricky celebration?

To start with, nothing forces you to celebrate with your husband/wife or lover only! You can live 2 different Valentine’s Day: a tedious love or a secret passion. Just be careful of not repeating the same little attentions: avoid the “buy one get one free bouquet and the same email copied and pasted. Choose different nods according to the partner (official or not) you want to please. You know better than anyone who likes what! Flowers for the spouse, a dinner for the husband, a poem for the mistress, a stolen kiss… or maybe the other way round?

Last but not least: celebrating Valentine’s Day is not compulsory.

So if you hate this celebration, why not being clear about it? This way, you will avoid possible misunderstandings, while having the opportunity to talk about feelings, love clichés, consumerism… So many amazing topics to get to know each other. To put it in a nutshell: even if you refuse to celebrate Valentine’s Day, you will find yourself talking about love. Who said you cannot have it both ways?