Pregnant woman, unfaithful husband?

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category: News

Pregnant woman, unfaithful husband?

Several scientific studies appeared these last twenty years tend to explain male infidelity during their spouses’pregnancy.

This case of infidelity is one of the most taboo and nevertheless very common. Pregnancy is a period of big shake-up in a couple’s life on the physical level as well as on the psychological level.

Pregnant women feel less the need to have regular sexual intercourse during this period. Indeed, they have more difficulty feeling pleasure and often have to cope with of an image of themselves which they do not recognize any more and which they do not assume necessarily.

Jena Pincott, psychologist and biologist, examined the studies appeared these last twenty years on male infidelity during pregnancy. Shedistinguishes three categories of men: the X, the Y and the Z.

The X men would not try to cheat on their spouses during pregnancy. In a general way, their sexual drive would decrease during this period.

The Y men would not try either to cheat on their spouses and would feel even more desire for seeing her pregnant. The decreasing number of sexual intercourses would explain itself by the fear of the Y to hurt the baby.

Jena Pincott adds that there are semi-X semi-Y men exist, meaning men who, like their spouses, would have peaks of prolactine (hormone bound to pregnancy). These men could experience some of their spouses’ inconveniences such as nausea, weight gain etc. …

The Z men would be the unfaithful men or men about to be unfaithful. They cannot bear the physical and psychological changes of their spouses . Temporarily or not, they are unfaithful to their pregnant spouses.

In conclusion, Jena Pincott adds that there would be a majority of Y men but that on the other hand, the best fathers would be the X men.

In the same theme : To unfaithful father, unfaithful son.