Mark Souder, the elected Republican congressman of Indiana, resigns after admitting to cheating on his wife.

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category: News

Mark Souder, the elected Republican congressman of Indiana, resigns after admitting to cheating on his wife.

A scandal has broken in the land of Uncle Sam, where being discovered having an affair means losing your job.

While a slap on the wrist suffices in most countries, the United States goes so far as to fire cheaters. Obviously there are some countries where it’s better to avoid getting caught!

After the Bill Clinton and John Edwards scandals, Republican congressman Mark Souder announced yesterday his decision to resign from office after admitting to having had an affair with one of his assistants. A member of the right wing evangelists, he has always defended the values of marriage and virtues of abstinence. What a hypocrite!

Ironically, we can see the politician with his mistress, Tracy Jackson, in a video where he is sprouting the value sexual education programs which preach abstinence.Watch the video.

Fortunately, lots of men and women indulge in affairs without leaving their jobs if they are found out. The problem which arises when it comes to politics, though, is that of trust; how are we meant to put our faith in a politician who can’t even be faithful to his own family? His credibility was severely damaged when the scandal came to light. The lapse can sometimes be forgiven by the general public when the politician repents to the media. However, for Mr. Souder, it was too little too late.