Is it possible to be a sex addict?

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category: News

Is it possible to be a sex addict?

Tiger Woods, Russell Brand, Jesse James, Charlie Sheen and David Duchovny would all say yes, but are they really suffering from an uncontrollable addiction, or is claiming to be a ‘sex addict’ almost a new get out of jail free card these days?

Recently in the media, a lot of celebrities have come under fire for their philandering ways, the most common excuse given up? Why they are all addicted to sex of course! They couldn’t help it! So, how do you know when you’ve gone from just being someone who likes to have sex, to someone who needs to have sex?

Well, Paula Hall, a relationship counselor claims that ‘It's a very serious addiction…It's a coping mechanism and it's totally and entirely out of control.’If you are ‘continuing to pursue it (sex) in spite of the consequences, like losing your job, your status, your wife and your health’ then you are an addict.

Unfortunately it’s really not that black and white. No specific definition has been agreed on by Medical professionals, and Glen Wilson of the Institution of Psychiatry disagrees completely, he says, “It (sex addiction) does not stand up when applied to the proper definition of the word…It's a way that people signal to the world that they think they have a problem and need to break it. But they are no different from anyone else, because we all have sexual drives which can get us into trouble without inhibition or control.” So does sex addiction even exist at all? I hope so, because Tiger Woods just spent $40,000 to be cured of it! But maybe that’s not enough to sway you, so we’ll let you decide. After all, couldn’t you just be stuck in an unfulfilling marriage?