Infidelity is hereditary!

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category: News

Infidelity is hereditary!

This is what a new study conducted by researchers from Queensland University in Australia and conveyed by The Telegraph newspaper reveals! Fun fact or scientific truth? What's your opinion?

If you are out of excuses to justify your infidelity, Gleeden comes to your rescue! Indeed, researchers from Queensland University in Australia have conducted a study to determine if genes inherited from our parents and grand-parents have an influence on whether we are unfaithful or not.

And the answer is YES!

63% of men and 40% of women are unfaithful because of their genetic heritage! According to the the researchers, the gene responsible for your extra-marital encounters is AVPRIA. This gene drives the attachment we have for our sexual partners (useful information to show off at a dinner party!)

So next time you have to justify an extra-marital affair, simply say "that's scientific"!