40 years old: the golden age of infidelity for married women!

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category: News

40 years old: the golden age of infidelity for married women!

If you are 40 years old and above, you may noticed some changes in your sex life and more generally in your relationships with the opposite sex, right?

Gleeden.com has run a european survey* on female members aged between 40 and 65 years old, to know more about this phenomenon…

On Gleeden.com, 43% of female members are between 40 and 65 years old.

This is not as surprising as it may sound! Indeed, women of this age rediscover their sexuality; they are willing to experiment new aspects of their sex life that have not been explored until now.


Why is that? Well, 40-year old women are more mature and more willing to (re)discover themselves. They are also more attentive to their personal needs: they know their body, what they like and what they do not…and their libido has never been higher!

As a result, nothing is too good to renew their sex life: using sex toys, reading literature or having an affair (for 52%!)

Therefore, 40 years old seems to be the golden age to be unfaithful! What is better than a lover to experiment new things and spice up your life?

*Online survey Gleeden.com ran from July 14th to August 1st 2014 on 5474 female members between 40 and 65 years old, from France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Swiss, Belgium. Several answers available.