Presenting the results of the ''If Gleeden was...'' contest

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category: Gleeden news

Presenting the results of the ''If Gleeden was...'' contest

Many of you chose to partake in this contest, many thanks to all!

The Gleeden team is pleased to show you their favorite answers. Congratulations to our two winners, who were awarded a Pack 400 (men’s gift) or a 150 euros Sephora voucher (women’s gift).

Winner, women: one of our French members

If Gleeden were…

A city: Madrid (a Southern town, hot and sensual, filled with promise)
A film: Nine 1/2 Weeks (desire, passion and seduction)
A book: Lady Chatterley's Lover (desire and seduction)
A song: “Toi Plus Moi”, by Grégoire
A wine: an oak-aged white Bordeaux (because it is what I like to drink beforehand…)
A perfume: Opium, Yves St Laurent (as spicy, heady and spellbinding as love itself)
A dish: a couscous (for all its flavors, whether sweet or savory, spicy and to be enjoyed slowly…just like love).
Winner, men: one of our Italian members

If Gleeden were…

A city : Paris! Romantic and glamorous.
A film : Fatal Attraction, just as fatal as desire.
A book : Amare Tradire, by Carotenuto. Filled with ideas.
A song : Era già tutto previsto by Richard Cocciante.
A wine : an intense, fragrant, French Bordeaux.
A perfume : Chanel n°5. Without the slightest of doubts.
A dish : a shrimp mix, light, delicious, and generously spiced.

See you soon for new contests on Gleeden with many prizes…take your chances!