Comunicae: Gleeden Enters with Force in Spain

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category: Gleeden press

Comunicae: Gleeden Enters with Force in Spain

The holidays signify a new phase in life, where the Spanish are once again tempted to have an adventure on, the premiere extramarital dating website made by women.

They've already reunited 390,000 French users and 200,000 Italians...Spain has also succumbed to temptation. Spaniards continue to connect their dreams and their holiday wishes! There are more than 100,000 Spanish visitors a day since the beginning of September. Thirty-seven percent of men and sixty-three percent of women are between 30- to 55-years-old. The cities with the greatest influence of infidelity are Barcelona, Madrid, Cádiz, and Valencia. Enrollment peaks between 9pm and midnight, when the heat dies down.

Why the wave of registrants?

The holidays signify a new phase in life, where the Spanish are once again tempted to have an adventure on, the premiere extramarital dating website designed by and for women. Spaniards are tired of the financial crisis and wish to enjoy every moment. People who sign up for Gleeden find their secret garden, where they can take a breath of fresh air and make their days more enjoyable. Seventy-nine percent say they “have found a new reason to look ahead with optimism,” according to a study of 501 people (255 women and 246 men between 30- 50-years-old).

Gleeden is, uniquely, governed by women; they add value to the brand. They question what type of relationships people maintain: one-night-stands, medium-length adventures, or falling in love. Gleeden also consults specialists on the topic, including psycologists, sexologists, and sociologists, who help the site daily in order to ensure credibility.

Gleeden is the leader in extramarital dating, with more than 900,000 members. To receive more information, contact Gleeden at

Stay your desires!

Gleeden is a website created by BlackDivine, LLC.

Read the article (in Spanish) here...