Advice for men

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category: Gleeden news

Advice for men

It's not easy to seduce someone on the internet, so here are some secrets to help...

The women in Gleeden’s editorial team are here for you guys! We have noticed that you are occasionally encountering difficulties developing contact with women, so we have a recipe to help! With a pinch of sincerity, a touch of originality, a spoonful of respect and a twist of charm, you will have every chance in the world…

1 – Sincerity is good, but discretion is better…
Have you come to Gleeden to escape the monotony in your life? Is your main reason for being here because your sex life is not what it used to be? The point of Gleeden is to be an open and upfront meeting platform, honesty is a fundamental value. However, when it comes to seducing women, it’s better to avoid being overly direct.
Speaking about sex in your profile is the best way to turn off nine out of ten women who read it. Women already know that men love sex, so there’s no point writing it! And it’s not likely to entice many women to contact you. Try to sound sincere and interesting, it will increase your chances!

2- Be original
Women are contacted often, which isn’t a surprise. What happens in reality is emulated on the internet, however more intensely. Women don’t date every man who catches their eye (which is the equivalent to receiving a Gleeden crush alert!)
Express yourself, speak about your opinions, even if you think they’re not particularly interesting, (we all have a point of view!) If you don’t put enough information in your profile, you won’t attract any attention! Avoid clichés like “I love women” and rather explain why you love women. Excite their curiosity, and be convincing!

3 – Make us dream!
What a woman loves above all is to feel unique. If you send out 20 generic messages a day to different women, there is a strong chance that your messages are starved of originality. If you’re interested in a woman, read her profile, and make the message personal to catch her attention!
We love men with a head on their shoulders, smart, caring, open and with a sense of humor, it’s not so complicated!
Finally, if a woman does not answer you, be respectful. Ask yourself if you fell into any of the traps above and evaluate your profile and your approach. It may just be that someone beat you to it, so persevere and you will meet people!

We recommend that you keep an eye open to suspicious behavior. When a woman quickly gives out her email or msn address, or starts very provocative or vulgar conversation, these may be indicators that you’re conversing with an escort. It is forbidden, under any circumstances to solicit others, or encourage them to have sex in exchange for remuneration, or with the promise of remuneration, and these activities are punishable by law. A monitoring system is in place, and our moderators will track all possible breaches of this rule. Help us by reporting any abuse you may have encountered using the “report abuse from this profile” button.