What are the 3 worst mistakes a woman can make when seducing a guy?

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category: News

What are the 3 worst mistakes a woman can make when seducing a guy?

Have you found someone you like and you guys have been talking? Fantastic! But what are the 3 worst things you could do that would drive him away? Michelle G shares her best advice to make sure you don't scare your crush away, in one minute.

We already went over ghosting and how to deal with it. Today, we’re going to go over another dating topic: what are the 3 worst mistakes a woman can make when seducing a guy, and how to make sure you don't scare potential dates away.

First of all, you need to make sure you don't "suffocate" him right at the beginning. Being excited and happy is normal, but you need to make sure you're not calling or texting him every 5 minutes. This might give the impression that you're emotionally not ready to start a new relationship.

Basically, you need to ensure that this new guy of yours doesn't suddenly become the ONLY person in your life. You have to find the right balance between your own life and your new relationship.

If you would like a professional opinion on the matter, our good friend Michelle G will share with you her best advice to make sure you're more successful in your relationships in general. Follow her tips and you will be the queen of the dating game (at least in the beginning of your new relationships haha!). Let's identify those common mistakes:

Watch her video here

To see more of Michelle G and become better at dating, check out our Dating Minute playlist on the official Gleeden Youtube channel. She has a lot of valuable advice on how to be the best at online and offline dating, which you can start using today.

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