Elle: Who Are the Infidels That Surf Gleeden?

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category: Gleeden press

Elle: Who Are the Infidels That Surf Gleeden?

Many of them go to Gleeden: the site for unearthing a lover. But exactly who are these men and women that are already in a couple?

Gleeden has asked these questions and found that the majority of users seeking to spice up their sex lives work in the financial sector. Seventy-two percent are senior executives and one in five members works in banking or finance. The traders, analysts, and other financial advisors need to look elsewhere to escape this financial crisis?!

The medical sector is also well represented here, composing thirteen percent of members hooked on Gleeden. General practitioners or specialists are equally likely to ride the seas of infidelity. Perhaps it's to clear their heads?

Do you live with a trader or a doctor? One piece of advice: paranoia is never-ending!

Read the article (in French) here...