It's a jaded January ... but it doesn't have to be!

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category: News

It's a jaded January ... but it doesn't have to be!

One might think that the period of time following the holidays would be a time of rejuvenation and restoration for couples; however, statistics show that January is the absolute worst month for couples.

Although the stress of the holidays has receded into hibernation, couples still have to deal with rotten weather and cabin fever, which affects people due to being cooped up indoors without any vitamin D or socialization. People don’t dare to go outside because it’s too cold, and instead sit on the couch in their worst clothes, filled with self-pity and contempt. Cabin fever can make people feel depressed, lethargic, and stuffy, and often prompts arguments between couples. As a result of all this, we see an overwhelming amount of break-ups during the month of January.

Cheer up!

In order to avoid that jaded January feeling, stay active. Exercising, even indoors, releases endorphins that make you happy. Furthermore, exercising will help you to shed that dreaded holiday weight. If you don’t feel like going out a ton, invite friends over for a night in. Having company other than your family will help decrease any cabin fever symptoms you might be experiencing. Lastly, now is the perfect time to have an adventure. Step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

Adventure wonderland

To help you get through this difficult month, our faithful Gleeden members can take advantage of our Winter Sale. This includes 2 Temptation Packs for the price of 1 and is going on from January 25-29, 2012!